I know its been a while. It has been exactly a year, to the day since I last posted here. Some sort of record, at least for me. And again, I return to designing things for SL.
Its odd coming back now. All of the designers I knew and grew within SL are now gone. Its sad in a way. I was speaking with Zabitan about it. Zabitan was really encouraging towards me starting this whole clothing design thing. He mentioned that we are just in different times in our lives. Its true, I used to have a lot more free time. Things change, commitments take over. Commitments with partners, work - you can move on.
Thinking about it, it would be so easy to just give it all up and walk away. But I definately still have a passion for it. I definately enjoy the freedom of creativity I have with it. My designs are my own, I create what and when I want and Im only limited by my imagination. Its a far cry from my fulltime job as a designer. I have boundries I have to stick in when working with other peoples brands - and Im not always given the freedom that I would like. Not to say I dont like it...I love my job, its just different.
I think as a seasoned SL designer you can feel like you have reached the limit of what you can create and achieve. Some of my friends have achieved so much in SL, making some serious moolah. I think its possible for you to just exhaust all of your ideas for where you can take things. Things can get stale and you can lose that drive and passion for your brand to succeed. When your starting out as a designer, everything is new and fresh. And you have enthusiastic ideas on how you can develop and change things in SL. (Your going to CHANGE the world!) When your at the top, you almost have to create new avenues to push yourself.
With GearShift, I have poured so much time and effort into it to just leave it there and let it die a death. I still believe in my ideas and feel Im far from achieving all I can here. I do still love it, which is why Im here.
So anyway, on to some of the new stuff Ive made. There are a few new offerings made available at the block. Ive completely remade my jeans template which Im quite proud of. Ive introduced them to my store as 'Rogues'. I also have a new shirt inspired by my new friend Rico.
Im also currently taking part of the great event Culture Shock. I have three exclusive items there. Including a brand new leather jacket. Leather jackets are definately back in!
For now, thats your lot. I'll be back to molest your eyes with my urban offerings soon.
I have become so obsessed with street fighter lately its ridiculous. Been playing it off and on for over a decade now, but Ive really been sucked into the whole street fighter resurgence with the imminent release of SF4. Have been playing ALOT and I mean ALOT of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD. I am so addicted, it totally brings me back to those days waiting for your turn in the arcade, putting your coin down and calling your go. But now, I can beat people from america and hear them whine about how much of a scrub I am. Its GREAT! Incidentally, if you get beaten horrible by a scrub, what does that make you? Questions...questions.
If you fancy playing me at street fighter on the 360, why not leave a comment. It could be fun. At the very least you could shout obscenities down the mic and repeatedly call me a scrub. :D
Maybe some SF related goodies could be on the cards....who knows?
Hey guys. I hope you have all had a great holiday. For most its now the time where you wish you didnt have those extra mince pies or those couple of shots the night before. That sobering experience where you realize work is just over the horizon. That jolly magical Christmas feeling is all but faded and you now have to remember its 09 and NOT 08. Awesome... Im acually trying to be positive, alot of good things have happened. With lots to look forward to this year. Im hoping that I can continue to create more for GearShift and continue to challenge myself artistically with my own projects aswell as at work. The work bit though, after some late nights and hearty meals in a warm house just dosent sound too appealing. (rubs belly) Alot of people dont know this, but Christmas is a little different for me. For everyone else its all festive, you buy gifts, spend time with family and watch awful television. For me, its kind of like my birthday-eve. Yep, Im one of those unlucky December children whose birthday falls right after the birth of Christ. Which can be quite discouraging in the moments you open a card on your birthday... and then realizing that its been written on a cheap christmas card. One you imagine came in a box of 50. Its a tight tight man who cant afford to spend money on a real card. Its almost tacked on.
"Oh its your birthday? Oooooh.... oh....
But anyway, sure there are definate minuses on having a birthday on THAT day. But this year I treated myself. I bought tickets , great tickets actually to see Monkey: Journey to the west. Always been a big fan of the art of Jamie Hewlett since Tank Girl and I love the team up with Damon Albarn for Gorillaz. So when I heard about this show I just HAD to see it. Im usually the type of person who says - "Oh... that would be cool." And not really push to go do it, or see it. Mostly because of the financial situation Im in at the time. But I made it a point. I WANT to do something on my birthday, I want to see something cool. I WANT a present Im going to enjoy...even if it means buying it for myself. (and for my family)
I have to say that Monkey was amazing. It was so vibrant, so beautiful and felt so epic in scale. I was so engrossed during the whole visual feast. Its a fusion of animation, acrobatics, martial arts and music. I hope that the show gets to tour more of the world so that more people can experience it.
As an additional treat, or punishment depending on how you look at amateur singing that is. Of me playing the theme to the old Monkey Magic show. click for Monkey Magic!
Ive released a few new offerings which you can read about in more detail on theblockbuzz blog. And Im hoping to put out some more things before the week is through. Just a few complications for me to worry about with a sim move. Which sucks, but Im sure will be better for the long run. Keep an eye out for more GearShift goodies!
Hi guys. So those of you who are apart of the GearShift group would have gotten a landmark to the sim that Ive been nattering on about on this blog for what seems an age now. Its been a personal project and one Ive tried to see through with the same amount of focus I put into my clothing designs. Its taken a long time, but its been something Ive really wanted to do. I think for me I really wanted to open it the right way, I envisioned this big opening and inviting all my friends to come and hang out. New swag, free swag and a special competition. But, I feel all my planning has been taken away from me. Linden Labs seems to have changed their policies on their open sims, now known as homestead sims. I thinks it ridiculous about the price increase that they are going to be putting in place with them, especially after they are gimping the sims. The sims once their new policies fall into place in the new year will see these sims only hold 20 people. Its outragous, they talk about unexpected load on systems and how the sims were created for low usage - their solution is to raise the price which I think will be for their maintenence but also tear out anything that I would find useful in owning it. Im so frustrated as Ive invested so much time, effort and money in making this project a reality. Now it seems like if I want to carry on with this project I HAVE to purchase a sim. There has been ample talk about these issues and Im sure that my thoughts are mirrored in the blogs and in other written media on the web.
With all the economic turmoil that is gripping not only the american nation, but affecting countries globally you'd think that maybe Linden Labs would maybe find a more subtle way in fucking the arses of its loyal users. All hail the almighty dollar right?
Bitter, me?
Well, I would really love to invite everyone to come and check out the sim. Explore, take pictures, mingle with the other few Gear Shifters that may lurk about. I really wish it was a more cheerful invitation. But I think, why keep it locked away when I will eventually have to move the whole thing.
So Ive been MIA for a little bit. Ive been settling into quite a few changes, least of all a new job and a new home. They are good changes though and have been keeping me positive. I know, I know - the sim still isnt open. Im a real fuckface. (Makes his fuckface expression for you) But bare with me, I really want to open it right and me not being at the opening seemed...well quite strange. One thing Ive noticed, my store at The Block is starting to look smaller and smaller. Really need to open the sim 0_0. Maybe Im putting to much thought into it? But again, things have been settling down and its allowed me to get a little creative for GearShift. Ive been really thankful for the support and kind words from those who buy from me. It really lifts my spirits and motivates me to keep pushing out new designs.
Ive put out some freebies for the GearShift group.
Thanks again guys, I really do appreciate all your support.